crow nonbinary (he/they) 26

twitter retrospring Ao3

INTRO hiya, call me crow if you please! i am a black recovering english major from the united states who likes to read and write stories, collect fonts, and cook. the only thing that's longer than my steam wishlist is my goodreads shelf at this point probably. i have over 1000 custom fonts installed on my computer... uhh, what else? i don't tend to regard myself as very interesting so i'm bad at intros. hi. i'm here to drink tea and vibe and succumb to immense amounts of brainrot. if you're chill, i'm chill. mostly. (promise)i'm pretty proud of my writing even though i'd mostly classify myself as a hobbyist at the moment! i post fanfiction on ao3 occasionally and have completed the nanowrimo writing challenge (50k words in 30 days) four times, which i'm really proud of! i'd like to be able to post my writing in more curated spaces one day, like the scp foundation wiki, in spec fic litmags, or even having my novel published...! i need to get better at completing things first though... (unmanaged/unmedicated/undx'ed adhd is. fun!)

💕 INTERESTS Final Fantasy XIV, Project Moon, Persona 5, SCP Foundation, HYV games (I mostly just look at the art now but I crack open Genshin sometimes), Psycho Pass, Trigun Stampede, seasonal anime once in a blue moon, various books, lots of music mainly rock/metal (+ read more)

(I would not consider my account/s NSFW-oriented spaces; I'm just an adult and I happen to like that stuff...)

💥 BYF I AM LOUDLY CRITICAL OF AO3/OTW AS AN ORGANIZATION, please softblock me if you're breaking mutual otherwise FUB free! I'm probably not interested in petty discourse if you think I post bad just block me! I do my best to practice radical inclusion, so if you're in the habit of policing the way other people ID themselves or what "counts" as LGBT/queer then kill the cop inside of you <3

CONTENT WARNINGS ∙ [The following content warnings are broadly applicable to my accounts; thingsmay not always be taggedbecause I am forgetful. :( ] ILLUSTRATED / FICTIONAL BLOOD AND GORE up to and including Body Horror and Cannibalism, Depictions of Homicide and Suicide, Fucked Up™/Maladjusted/Otherwise Unpleasant or Unconventional Relationship Dynamics (however, all sexual content that I post is consensual. Even if it's not safe or sane. Love and peace)I ENGAGE WITH CURRENT ISSUES AND REAL-WORLD POLITICS (abandon your escapism, ye who enter here.)

crow nonbinary (he/they) 26

twitter retrospring Ao3

FAVORITE CHARACTERS: OCs!!!!, Jullus pyr Norbanus, Alphinaud, Emet-Selch/Hades, Rogue's Guild Story NPCs, Elidibus/Themis

FAVORITE CHARACTERS: ARGALIA, ROLAND, ANGELA, ANGELICA, Chesed, Gebura, Binah, Ryoshu, Ishmael, Hong Lu, Yi Sang, Rodion, Faust, Effie, Saude
FAVORITE SHIPS: ALL*/ARGALIA (heavy bias for RolArgalia & ArgAngela), ALL/ROLAND (heavy bias for RolAngela, RolArgalia, & RolAngelica), ALL/ANGELA (heavy bias for RolAngela, ArgAngela, & AngeBinah), GeBinaHod, EsthYanRai RyoLu, DonSang, EffieSaude, HeathMael, FauMael, HongSang* ARGALIA/ANGELICA DNI. People who ship the twins (or any other incest ship like Hong Lu and Jia Huan) are not welcome here thanks.

FAVORITE CHARACTERS: REN AMAMIYA/AKIRA KURUSU/JOKER, GORO AKECHI, SUMIRE YOSHIZAWA, Kuon Ichinose, Sae Niijima, Yusuke Kitagawa, Zenkichi Hasegawa... I love basically every Phantom Thief they're very neat
FAVORITE SHIPS: ROYAL TRIO & CONSTITUENT DYNAMICS (ShuAke, ShuSumi, AkeSumi though I do prefer AkeSumi QP), RyuKita, ShuKita, MakoHaru, SaeKuon, SaeTae, ZenkIwai

GAMES OF NOTE: Hoyoverse Games* Disco Elysium Stardew Valley
* I still crack Genshin open from time to time, but I don't actively stay up to date anymore... I like the Harbingers a lot conceptually but the game's writing leaves a lot to be desired. I've never touched Star Rail but I think a lot of the character designs are neat!SHOWS OF NOTE: Psycho-Pass Trigun Stampede Leverage Altered Carbon NanaMUSIC OF NOTE: Friday Pilots Club Sleep Token Starset Project Mili Mothica Ambient Lo-fi and Synthwave

crow nonbinary (he/they) 26

twitter retrospring Ao3

What is a writer?
A miserable pile of works in progress...


     RolArgalia Ensemble Roland AU Mature to Explicit 
    Roland is picked up out of the gutter following his demotion to Grade 9 by none other than Argalia, who is keen to sink his claws into Roland and make him suffer for failing to protect his precious sister... And use Roland's sorrow and rage as a tool to suit his ends in the process.

     ArgAngela Angela's Bad End AU Mature to Explicit 
    Angela has reached the end of her journey and obtained the one perfect book that was supposed to complete her and her library... But in the process she has rendered herself completely and utterly alone. Alone, that is, except for the guests sealed within the books that line her shelves. One day, she steps into Argalia's book, and an unlikely bond between two lonely souls begins to form.



     ShuAke, QP AkeSumi, Et Al Post-Canon Heist Fic! Mature 
    It's been almost three years since the collapse of the Metaverse, and the world has largely moved on from the sensational incidents that the Phantom Thieves once found themselves at the center of. With no would-be gods to keep in check or supernatural powers with which to reign in the wicked, those who formerly called themselves the Phantom Thieves of Hearts have largely settled into normal lives.

    The world has also moved on from Goro Akechi. With his fame fizzling away after the masses' change of heart, his disappearance has become just another cold case that the rare competent investigators don't have the resources to tackle and the corrupt ones would rather leave buried. But when his old briefcase is dragged out of Tokyo Bay, Ren Amamiya takes it upon himself to start pulling at threads in search of closure.

    ... And finds himself walking in lockstep with the now-former detective once more as they begin to balance the scales, settle old debts, unravel what remains of Masayoshi Shido's old conspiracy... And find far more than they bargained for lurking beneath the surface.

  • LOVE THE FALL (Playlist)
     ShuAke, MakoHaru Rock Band AU Mature 
    A Nana-inspired rock band/rockstar AU following Akira Kurusu, the frontman for an upstart band "Portrait of a Thief" and his roommate Goro Akechi... Who just so happens to be the well-known Nocturne's part-time fill-in guitarist, Portrait's full-time problem, and the key to unravelling what happened to a once-prolific solo idol who dropped off the map three years ago.


     Novel Project Cyberpunk Thriller Mature/New Adult 
    Following the disappearance of one of the Association's most valuable "red assets," Nikopol Corporation's CEO Nikolai Demaines enlists the help of Contractors from offices all over the city to investigate the incident. As the investigation unfolds, the leader of the notorious (cyber/)terrorist group Zero Day becomes an increasingly likely suspect—and the likelihood that the asset is still alive continues to dwindle. When Contractor Valery Knols crosses paths with a man calling himself Kaj Broadford while following a lead, she finds herself spurred into launching an investigation of her own—one which inadvertendly leads her to work as a double agent for Zero Day.